Wednesday 21 October 2015

Task 8: Props


Our main prop is the dying girls diary. She writes down in her diary everything that happens throughout the film, so it is the most important prop. Her whole life has been written down in her diary, so it really helps to demonstrate what she's been going through. The diary also helps to pull the two main characters together. Logan-the male character-picks up the diary when Hope drops it. He then goes round to her house to return it and asks her out on a date. Therefore the diary plays an important part in starting the romance between Logan and Hope. 

Another prop that we are going to use throughout our trailer is Starbucks coffee cups. These will feature in our trailer when the couple are going out on dates. One of their dates will be shot in Starbucks and the coffee cups will be the coffees that they have brought on their date.
We are also going to use one of our main characters - Logan's - car. The car will also feature in the date scenes. We will shoot this from the back seat so we can see that Logan is driving and Hope is in the passenger seat.
An important prop in our trailer is a glass. In the middle of our trailer we will have an over the shoulder shot of Hope filling up a glass of water. The screen will turn black and all you will hear is the glass smash. This will be a symbolic part in our trailer as it will represent the start of Hope becoming ill.
We will also use fake blood throughout our trailer. This will be used as one of the symptoms of Hope's illness. Therefore the blood will represent how ill Hope is becoming.
Lastly, we are going to use real photographs of the couple in our trailer. These will be in photo frames in Hope's room. We will use a panning shot to pan all of the frames in. We think this would be a nice feature to add as it makes the couple seem more realistic. 

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